
Showing posts from 2024

Yep, we are going to have winter boxes!!!



If you plant lettuce...

Top view of spring box of 2017

The cucumbers in the high tunnel.....

Heart shaped leaves...

Lunch and learn workshop at the a local shop....

Ya'll...that storm....

Baked goods...

The potatoes will be ready soon.

Summer CSA starting soon...

Spring has sprung

Almost time for the blackberries....

Momma goose and her baby...

Soap making class on the farm!

Planted squash last week....

Just pulling the rest of the carrots....

Yes, we used to use newspaper for the greens...

Baby beets and bright lights swiss chard...

Onions galore

All the apples are blooming...

We planted eggplant seeds today...

Local? Need a landscaper?

Don't forget to plant your marigolds

Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference


Purposeful chickens....

The beach on vacation...

Almost summer salad time....

Preserving the harvest

Happy New Year!