Yesterday's conference
Yesterday, I went to Marianna to the Panhandle Conference for fruit and vegetable production put on at the Jackson County Extension Service in Marianna. They did a great job with the workshops and the speakers. I really enjoyed learning how to graft tomatoes and gleaning some knowledge from the keynote speaker address, Richard Wisall from Cate farm and CSA in Vermont in Vermont. I wish I could have attended all the workshops, they all looked so educational.
Our own Libbie Johnson was there from our Escambia County Extension Office. The place was packed with organic and non organic vendors,small farmers and educators. I couldn't wait to get home and put my newfound knowledge to work on the farm. I am looking forward to next year.
IFAS Agriculture conference
Our own Libbie Johnson was there from our Escambia County Extension Office. The place was packed with organic and non organic vendors,small farmers and educators. I couldn't wait to get home and put my newfound knowledge to work on the farm. I am looking forward to next year.
IFAS Agriculture conference

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