Tomatoes this week....

This week we will have two more different types of tomatoes, Abe Lincoln and Fox Red Cherry

The Original Abe Lincoln Tomato: This wonderful old heirloom was shared with us by Diann Dirks - The Garden Lady of Georgia (Her gardening blog can be found at www.thegardenladyofga. Diann is a Seed Saver and Seed Sharer at heart and received this variety from a gentleman she had struck up a conversation with one day while pumping gas. She writes “A man (in his 80’s?) and I got to talking while pumping gas and I told him I collected seeds. He said he grew the original Abe Lincoln tomato - not the ones that were later sold but from the 1923 seed catalog.” Released by H.W. Buckbees in 1923, this meaty variety has incredible thick flesh with a tiny seed core and great old-fashioned tomato flavor. Vines are indeterminate with medium to large red fruit. Vines in our 2016 trial here in South Missouri were not excessively vigorous but yielded well nonetheless and with no apparent sun burning. SOURCE

Fox Cherry Heirloom  Delicious large, red heirloom cherry tomatoes that seem to be one of the best-tasting large cherries around. The vining plants are very reliable; even in years when the wilt kills about everything else, these seem to do great. The fruit weigh about 1 oz each and are perfect for salads.SOURCE


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