Ya'll, seriously, good friends are the best...

 My good friend, Judy, from Down in the Delta came for lunch the other day.  What a delightful time we had.  She toured the farm and affirmed my love of having friends as kindred spirits.  She is such a creative soul.  I love, love, love her jewelry.  She is so talented.  I hope you go and check her out.  She is also an amazing photographer and has an eye for beauty.  I so enjoyed having her take photos for me of my creative space as I am not photo savvy.....yet.  :)

I will post more of her pics in the coming days, but for now, won't you enjoy my lovely sunflowers.  We grow the florist grade (pollenless) and the pollen loaded varieties for a trap crop since we use organically grown methods.  It works so well.  

Until next time....


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