Resilience Garden....

Hey everyone!  I have heard a lot of people reference Victory Gardens from the 40s lately.  I hear a lot of it in reference to our needing to do the same in this time period of uncertainty.  I have heard some people call it a "Resilience Garden".  I think it is a good term.  

According to the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

re·​sil·​ience | \ ri-ˈzil-yÉ™n(t)s  \

Definition of resilience

the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress
an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change

I think that, perhaps, the definition is appropriate.  I hope we are all, if possible, considering the origin of our local food system, how we could grow our own, if it is necessary to grow our own and how to support those in our vicinity who are growing it for us.  

So, my hat is off to the term, Resilience Gardens.  #Americaworkstogether 

Until next time...


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